Arthritis is a prevalent problem today in almost all people above 50 years old. Joint pains are the most common symptom of arthritis, so treating this problem quickly before it becomes too severe is better. Many experts claim that incorporating yoga into your daily routine can provide relief. So, anyone with arthritis should learn easy yoga for arthritis to improve their range of motion and relieve pain. Hundreds of studies have shown that yoga is beneficial for arthritis.
Is Yoga Good for Arthritis?
To answer your question, is yoga good for arthritis? Yes, it is. But there are 100 types of arthritis, each with its symptoms and causes. So, it is better to find out what kind of suffering one suffers and treat it accordingly.
There are various benefits of yoga for arthritis:
Provide a low-impact exercise option: Yoga is simple; it doesn’t involve jumping or other heavy movements. This means you won’t need to put added pressure on your joints.
Accessible for Everyone: Yoga is accessible to even those with problems walking; they can do easy yoga for arthritis. The majority of poses can be done sitting on the mat. You can do chair yoga if you have difficulty getting on the floor. Various studies have found that a group of adults with lower body osteoarthritis who did chair yoga twice weekly had less pain than participants in a health education program. They also were able to walk faster and had more energy.
Yoga Reduces Joint Stiffness and Pain: Joint stiffness and pain are the most common symptoms of arthritis. People who do yoga and receive medical treatment reported less pain and stiffness than those who only received medical treatment.
Yoga Increases Flexibility and Joint Mobility: Yoga improves the flexibility and mobility of your muscles and joints, allowing you to move through their full range of motion. On the other hand, joint inflammation can decrease your range of motion, reducing your ability to function well in everyday life. A study found that people who did just 1 week of yoga had improved their joint flexibility and range of motion.
Improve mental health: Although arthritis is a physical problem, depression and stress also seem to increase as a result of chronic pain, limited mobility, and reduced independence, which have been shown to improve depression symptoms and anxiety. The benefits of yoga for mental health are immense, and various studies have also testified to them. One study also found that adults with either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis had fewer depression symptoms after practicing yoga for 8 weeks.
Top 5 Easy Yoga Poses For Arthritis
Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Stretch your leg forward, making a slight bend in your knees. Raise your arm overhead, keeping your spine upright. While exhaling, hinge at your hips and bend forward. Hold the big toes with your fingers, stay in that position for a few seconds, and then relax.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

Lie on your stomach with your knees bent parallel to each other. Grab your ankles with your palms. Raise your arms and legs as high as possible, looking up as long as you hold the pose.
Utthita Parsvakonasana

Stand with your legs 4 feet apart, turn the right foot around 90 degrees, and place the left foot at 45 degrees. Bend your right knee, keeping it directly over the toes. Bring your right elbow to the bent right knee, then extend your left arm alongside the left ear. The goal is to make a diagonal line from the back left foot to that extended left arm. The arm should not be pointed straight up toward the ceiling. The gaze is past the extended fingers. Avoid sinking in the lower shoulder, but lift out of the supporting elbow. The hips and shoulders should be in one plane, as though lying against a wall. Release any tension in the hand and fingers of the extended arm. Repeat on the other side.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Spinal Twist)

Sit with your legs extended. For added comfort, you can sit on a cushion or folded blanket if you want to give support to your lower back. Pull one knee in, lift the foot, and cross it over to the outside of the extended leg. If possible, plant your foot on the floor as if making a footprint on the floor. Pull your foot as close to the opposite hip as possible. Wrap the opposite arm around the bent knee, hugging it into the body. It is most important to sit up tall, lengthening the spine.
Samasthithi/Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

Stand tall with your toes and heels touching each other. Now, engage your abdominal muscles while keeping your shoulders relaxed. Stay in that position and breathe for 5-8 breaths, evenly distributing your weight between both feet.
Yoga is a great way to manage and treat the symptoms of arthritis. Regularly practicing yoga poses can strengthen your joints and improve flexibility and stiffness. When trying yoga, it’s essential to pick easy yoga for arthritis so you don’t do anything that could worsen your symptoms. It’s a good idea to take your first class with a knowledgeable instructor who can help guide you. For expert guidance on yoga asanas and stretching exercises for arthritis, connect with Yogmahima.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How does yoga help arthritis patients?
A1: Yoga will help arthritis patients build muscle strength and improve balance.
Q2: Which is the best yoga for arthritis?
A2: Helpful poses that strengthen the arms, legs, and back are cat-cow stretch (Marjari asana), cobra pose (Bhujangasana), and bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana). If you are in pain, following simple movements involving the joints is recommended.
Q3: Can we do stretching exercises for arthritis?
A3: Stretches can help improve the range of motion in people with arthritis. It is best to consult an expert before stretching exercises all by yourself.
Q4: How can I find the right yoga class for me?
A4: When looking for a yoga class, ask the yoga instructor if they have experience working with people with arthritis. You can also check with the Arthritis Foundation’s Arthritis Resource Finder to find the best yoga for arthritis.
Q5: Is arthritis curable?
A5: It depends on how early arthritis is detected. Yoga can definitely improve the symptoms of arthritis. There are numerous benefits of yoga for arthritis, so kindly consult an expert like Yogmahima and start your transformation journey.
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