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Trim Your Tummy: Powerful Yoga for Belly Fat Reduction

Yoga for Belly Fat Reduction

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn fats to lose compared to other fats. Losing belly fat among men and women has always been challenging, keeping the abdomen area flat. Moreover, once you hit the mid-40s, losing the fat around your abdomen is harder. 

The good news is that there are various yoga programs for belly fat reduction, and studies have shown that doing yoga can fight stubborn belly fat, allowing you to achieve a healthier and flatter abdomen. 

In today’s blog, let’s explore some of the best yoga for weight loss and the benefits of doing yoga to lose belly fat. 

5 Poses of Yoga for Belly Fat Reduction from Experts

Are you trying every tip and trick to reduce those stubborn fats around your belly, but to no avail?

Here are some of the best yoga poses to reduce belly fat quickly. Read till the end to learn more about each pose’s benefits as well!

1. Virbhadrasana or Warrior II Pose 

Virbhadrasana or Warrior II Pose

Before we jump right on to the pose, let’s see what yoga guru and founder Akshar Yoga Kendraa says. He said, “Warrior II pose strengthens the legs, arms, and core muscles while improving balance and concentration. Holding the posture and engaging the muscles can increase calorie burn and tone your thighs and glutes. To intensify the pose, sink deeper into the lunge, elongate the spine, and extend the arms to the sides.”

How to Perform Virbhadrasana Poses

If you are looking for the best yoga for fat burning, this Virabhadrasana or Warrior II pose is the best. So, to help you eliminate those stubborn fats around your belly, here’s how you can do it! 

  • Start with a mountain pose with your fit hip-width distance.
  • Bring your left foot back at a 45-degree angle.
  • Position your hip to the side of the mat, not forward.
  • Bring your thigh forward 90 degrees and ensure your knee is straight with your angle.
  • Keep your gaze directly above your middle finger.
  • Step back into a mountain and pose with your front knee still bent.
  • Stay in the moment; pay attention to your movement and your breathing. 

2. Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar

Another yoga for belly fat reduction is Surya namaskar, where your whole body is engaged in it, including your muscles, which helps to boost your metabolism. Moreover, it also helps to boost your metabolism, burning off calories and giving you a leaner tummy. Also, 90% of yoga practitioners recommend Surya namaskar as the best yoga for a slimmer waist. 

A study conducted shows positive results in obese ladies who practice Surya namaskar daily in their weight loss journey. As you stretch and compress your abdomen, your digestive fire gets activated, which helps clean your system.

How to Perform Sun Salutation

  • Begin with your hands together at your chest.
  • Stretch arms overhead, arching back slightly.
  • Bend forward, touching the ground with your fingertips.
  • Step one leg back into a low lunge, hands on the ground.
  • Move into a plank, then lower and lift into Cobra Pose.
  • Reverse the steps, ending in the initial standing pose.

3. Phalakasana or Plank Pose

Phalakasana or Plank Pose

Plank pose is another fantastic fat-burning yoga pose that you can practice daily to reduce belly fat quickly. It is a whole-body workout session that targets your arms, shoulders, and core and engages your abdomen. 

So, if you want to tone up your abdomen and eliminate those stubborn fats, phalakasana is the best yoga for tummy toning. 

How to Perform Plank Pose

  • Start in a tabletop position with hands under shoulders.
  • Extend your legs back, straightening the body into a plank.
  • Engage your core, keeping the spine neutral and hips aligned.
  • Distribute weight evenly between hands and toes, avoiding sagging hips.
  • Hold the pose, breathing deeply, keeping the body stable and robust.
  • Release by lowering your knees and returning to the tabletop position.

4. Bhujangasana or Cobra Poses 

Bhujangasana or Cobra Poses

Another ideal yoga for belly fat reduction is bhujangasana. If you are looking forward to wearing your favourite dress or shirt but are too conscious of your tummy and looking for a healthier and more friendly way to reduce those fats, try cobra poses. 

Bhujangasana is the ideal yoga to lose belly fat as it engages your glutes, hamstrings, spinal extensors, upper back muscles, and triceps. 

How to Perform Cobra Poses

  • Lie face down, palms under shoulders, legs extended straight back.
  • Press your palms, inhale, and lift your chest using your back muscles with your elbows slightly bent.
  • Keep shoulders relaxed, gaze forward or slightly upward.
  • Engage the core and maintain hips and legs grounded on the floor.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds, breathing deeply and steadily.
  • Exhale, gently lower your chest back to the mat and relax completely.

5. Naukasana or Boat Poses

Naukasana or Boat Poses

Compared to the other four yoga for belly fat reduction, this naukasana or boat pose can be challenging. However, with daily practice, you can get maximum results, allowing you to get slimmer and tone abs. 

Boat pose is not only the best yoga for a flat belly but also for maintaining a good balance in your body. So, if you want to achieve maximum belly reduction through Yoga, Naukasana is your option!

How to Perform Boat Pose

  • Sit with legs extended, spine straight, and hands by your sides.
  • Lean back slightly, lift your feet off the ground, balancing on your bones.
  • Raise arms parallel to the ground, palms facing inward.
  • Engage your core, keeping your spine straight and legs lifted.
  • Hold the pose, maintaining balance and steady breath, then release.

Top 5 Benefits of Yoga for Belly Fat Reduction 

Yoga to Lose Belly Fat

You have started to practice yoga for fat burning, but apart from that, you are looking for the various benefits you can gain from performing yoga daily. Here are some of the benefits of daily yoga for a slimmer waist:

  1. When you perform yoga, it stimulates your metabolic system, promoting calorie burning and fat loss, especially around your abdominal area.
  2. Most yoga poses target the abdominal muscles, toning and strengthening your core for a flatter stomach.
  3. When you perform yoga for fat burning, it reduces your stubborn fat and cortisol, the stress hormone linked to your belly fat, promoting overall weight loss.
  4. Regular yoga can aid your digestive system, prevent bloating, and contribute to a slimmer waistline.
  5. Yoga encourages mindfulness, leading to healthier eating habits and better portion control, which helps reduce belly fat.


In conclusion, daily yoga for fat burning is a great way to stay fit and achieve physical, mental, and spiritual health. Incorporating these top 5 yoga poses to reduce belly fat faster to stay slimmer and achieve tone-stomach. 

Virabhadrasana, Surya Namaskar, Phalakasana, Bhiyangasana, and Naukasana are the best yoga for fat reduction along with a balanced diet that can promote overall healthy well-being. So, if you are struggling to shed that stubborn extra tummy this season, it’s time to start incorporating this yoga for a slimmer waist today! 

Also Read:
Yoga For Stress And Anxiety
9 Surprising Health Benefits of Prenatal Yoga for Expectant Mother
The Incredible Effects of Yoga on Mind, Body, and Soul
Yoga Myths Debunked: Common Misconceptions and the Truth Behind Them


1. Can I lose belly fat with yoga?

Yes, practising yoga for belly fat reduction can help you lose belly fat by toning your core, improving your metabolism, and reducing stress. Fat-burning yoga poses target the abdominal area effectively.

2. How long should I perform yoga for belly fat reduction?

To see results in yoga for belly fat reduction, practice yoga poses to reduce belly fat for at least 30-45 minutes daily, consistently for a few weeks.

3. Which is the best yoga for tummy toning?

The boat pose (Naukasana) is among the best yoga for belly fat reduction. It strengthens the core and tones the abdomen, making it ideal for yoga to lose fat.

4. How many sun salutations should I do to achieve weight loss?

For effective yoga for fat burning, perform at least 12-15 sun salutations daily. This sequence is one of the best yoga sessions for weight loss and helps with overall body toning.

5. Is performing Yoga three times a week enough for a slimmer waist?

Practising Yoga for a slimmer waist three times a week can help. However, daily yoga practice for abdominal fat will yield faster and more significant results.

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