Yoga is more than just pranayamas; it offers a lot more benefits to your mental and physical well-being, and flexibility is one such. It improves joint and muscle mobility and builds strength. Flexibility is one of the significant elements of good physical health because, with ageing, your body loses flexibility, improper posture, and move ability. If you are looking to boost your flexibility, regularly practice yoga to improve your mobility in joints and muscles. In this article, we will look at why flexibility is essential, and also we will see what the best yoga poses for flexibility. All you need is a certified yoga trainer to help you with flexibility exercises for beginners.
How Does Yoga Help Improve Flexibility?
Yoga is different from regular stretches; rather, it is a safe form, and the duration and types of stretches address both muscle groups that you might not even know. The difference yoga makes can be described as three A’s- alignment, Attention, and Awareness.
- Alignment: It is the exact way the pose is done to maximise the benefits of yoga and reduce the risk of injury. Practicing with keeping insight of alignment in mind ensures that you aren’t just focusing on one body part but covering the entire body muscle.
- Attention: Attention means you are feeling each pose to the fullest and can witness the effect on the muscle. This attention also helps to improve the body awareness necessary to differentiate the body’s discomfort and pain.
- Awareness: It means you remain focused on the present moment throughout the process. Awareness is yoga’s most significant tool, as it allows you to reset your mind and reduce stress and anxiety.
Best Yoga Poses for Flexibility
Yoga needs patience and precision, so many yoga instructors can help you with stretching exercises for flexibility. Practice yoga at your own pace, as it will benefit you more than rushing towards completing your yoga exercises. Try to practice each pose correctly to reap maximum benefits and avoid injury
Let’s look at a few poses in yoga for flexibility and strength:
1. Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch)

This forward bend yoga pose stretches your spine, back, and hips, and it will be great for your balance, posture and digestion.
Try it out
- Stand and place your left leg in front of you, facing forward, and your right leg in the position only.
- Square your hips to face forward, and then put your hands on the hips.
- Bend your hips in a line between your spine and neck.
- Drop the hand to the floor.
- Hold in that position for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then come back to the standing position.
- Swap the position of your feet and repeat the same exercise.
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

This pose is great for stretching the hamstrings and calves along the backs of the leg.
Try it out
- Come to your hands and knees with your hip slightly bent behind your hips.
- Lift your knees from the floor.
- Lift your hips to the ceiling by straightening your legs.
- Pedal your feet one at a time.
- Stay still for at least a few seconds, maybe till five breaths, pushing strongly into the palms of your hand while staying in the V shape position.
3. Malasana (Garland Pose)

This squatting position was once a great way to sit; however, now, no one sits in this posture. This pose helps to improve your flexibility and bowel system.
Try it out
- Stand straight with your feet 12 inches apart.
- Turn your toes slightly outward and bend your knees to assume a deep squatting position.
- Bring your elbows inside the knees and take your hands into Anjali Mudra. Use hands to slightly push the knees outward.
4. Bitilasana Marjaryasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

This pose helps you improve your mobility and boost flexibility in your shoulders, spine, neck, and core.
Try it out
- Start with your wrist beneath the shoulders and your knees below the hips.
- With your body weight evenly balanced, breathe in and let your belly drop towards the floor. While your belly moves downwards, let your chin, tailbone and chest rise.
- Breathe out and press into your hand as you round your spine upward.
- Tuck your chin into your chest as the spine rises.
- Continue to be in this pose for 1 minute and then relax.
5. Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)

This yoga posture can help open up your hips and lower back while boosting flexibility in calves and hamstrings.
Try it out
- Sit on the floor with your legs wide open, and try to open as wide as you can.
- Extend your arms overhead, and then hinge at your hips to bend forward.
- Walk your hands towards your feet and hold this position for 1 to 2 minutes.
These are some of the yoga poses for flexibility, and they are a good starting point. However, you must remember that it is the body and mind approach that makes yoga an effective way to improve your flexibility and strength.
Doing regular yoga is an effective way to ease tension in your muscles and build flexibility. The key is to start slow and then gradually increase the amount of time you hold a pose. If you are still not able to achieve that form or pose, it is better to take the help of a professional. In this scenario, Yogmahima will be your best companion in achieving your goal.
Yogmahima is a professional yoga learning center, where we take classical hatha yoga classes, pregnancy yoga classes, sound healing therapies, acupressure, music, dance and art.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How can you improve flexibility with yoga?
A1: Regular practice can improve your flexibility by deepening your stretching and extending your reach.
Q2: What poses can increase your flexibility?
A2: Increase flexibility with yoga by doing these five simple yoga poses. These poses are Intense side stretch, Garland pose, Downward facing dog pose, wide-angle seated forward bend, and cat-cow pose.
Q3: Are yoga classes safe?
A3: Yes, yoga classes are extremely safe. Take one or two trial classes before making a decision. Ask all your doubts before joining.
Q4: How can yoga improve posture?
A4: Yoga improves postures by increasing flexibility and strength. Doing yoga stretches for flexibility for 20 to 30 minutes daily can help you achieve positive results.
Q5: What classes are taught in Yogmahima?
A5: Yogmahima gives classical hatha yoga classes, pregnancy yoga classes, sound healing therapies, acupressure, music, dance and art.
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